The Beast of CHE
by Alu-Tech
Worklog: Here
It's definitely the month for scratch builds. It must be all that summer weather. Alu-Tech might be a person of few words but after reading his introduction in The Beast of CHE worklog we definitely like him!
'I`m Norwegian and not so good too write english..

We love it!. Anyway back to the modding and our fourth scratch build so far this month looks like a monster with copious use of stainless steel and also features a water-cooling system. There's something about all that bare metal that gives this project a feel of raw modding appeal too.
Initial renders of The Beast of CHE look very interesting indeed. Needless to say there have been references to WMDs in the project log. It certainly looks like the outer casing of a compact nuclear weapon. We'd probably suggest you don't take this to any LAN parties Alu-tech...
As if inside some Russian nuclear weapon factory, The Beast of CHE finally gets physical with large metal rings being welded together making what appears to be the main braces for the case.
Above we can see the case really taking shape with metal sheets that have been rolled into cylinders not attached to the braces we saw earlier. He might be a person of few words but he certainly knows how to make a radiator shroud! Even the Feser Monsta would fit in that one!
It's amazing seeing this mod come together from sheets of metal. Above we can see how the motherboard will sit in the case with the I/O panel and PCI expansion slots now visible, just like the initial renders. What a fantastic fillport!
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